Cyber Bullying

What is Cyber Bullying?

Cyber bullying involves the exploitation of technology to intimidate, threaten, or mortify another individual. This form of bullying transpires through SMS, text messages, and apps including Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, among other social media platforms. Given the ease of accessing technology and the relative anonymity it provides, cyber bullying has seen a surge, particularly among the younger generation.

Impacts on Victims

Victims of cyber bullying can suffer profound and enduring impacts. Such individuals may undergo depression, anxiety, diminished self-esteem, and even contemplate suicide. Furthermore, they may feel detached from their friends and family, possibly evading school attendance or withdrawing from activities they previously relished.

Types of Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying can manifest in numerous forms. Prominent types of cyber bullying encompass:

• Harassment - The transmission of menacing or offensive messages or posting derogatory remarks about an individual online.

• Impersonation - Assuming someone else's identity online to disseminate hurtful or embarrassing content.

• Outing - Divulging personal information or images without the person's approval.

• Exclusion - Deliberately excluding someone from an online group or dialogue.

Preventive Measures for Cyber Bullying

Preventing cyber bullying requires active involvement from parents and caregivers. They must engage in discussions with their children about the perils associated with technology use and the significance of online etiquette. Moreover, they must supervise their children's online behavior and instruct them about the course of action in case they encounter cyber bullying.

Parents should also instill in their children the importance of reporting any cyber bullying incidents to a reliable adult. Schools can contribute to prevention efforts by educating students about the hazards of technology and offering adequate support for victims.

Preventing Cyber Bullying

Victims of cyber bullying should remember that they are not at fault and there are supportive resources available. To safeguard oneself and counteract cyber bullying, several measures can be adopted.

Initially, victims should block the perpetrator. They should, if feasible, preserve proof of the bullying by capturing screenshots or storing emails. It is also crucial to disclose the situation to a reliable adult or friend. Lastly, the bullying incident should be reported to the concerned website or app.

Terms and Definitions

Cyber Bullying refers to the act of using digital communication platforms such as social media, emails, message boards, or instant messaging to harass, intimidate, or purposely harm others, usually repeatedly or consistently over time.

Online Harassment involves the act of sending or posting annoying, abusive or threatening messages or images on the internet. It is a broad term that can encompass several acts including cyber bullying. The victim can receive this harmful content via emails, social networks, forums, chat rooms or other digital channels.

Digital Footprint represents the trail or record of online activities left by an individual or organization across the internet, including browsing history, social media interactions, posted photos, or any other digital transactions. It's a trace left behind of one's actions in the digital space that can be used to understand one's behaviors and activities.

Cyberstalking is a more intense form of cyberbullying that involves the use of technology, particularly the internet, to harass, stalk, threaten, or terrorize another person. It often includes false accusations, defamation, identity theft, and invasion of privacy.

Trolling refers to the deliberate act of provoking responses through the posting of inflammatory, off-topic, or deceptive content online, usually with the intention of sparking conflict, disrupting conversations, or simply for amusement.

Digital Communication Platforms are internet-based applications or tools such as email, instant messaging services, social media networks, video calling apps, etc., that enable individuals to communicate, share information, collaborate, and interact with each other remotely.

Anonymous Identity in the digital context refers to the state of remaining unknown while engaging in online activities. Anonymity can be achieved through the use of pseudonyms, temporary accounts, or specialized software that hides a user's identity.

Social Media Networks are online platforms that enable users to create and share content or participate in social networking. These platforms offer various features such as posting status updates, sharing photos or videos, instant messaging, and forming communities around shared interests.

An Online Predator refers to an individual who exploits the anonymity of the internet to approach and potentially harm others for illicit purposes such as sexual exploitation, stalking, or identity theft. They use manipulative tactics to deceive and exploit their victims, often targeting vulnerable individuals.