World: Population Gender Distribution, by year
in billions
in billions
  • Region: Worldwide
  • Time period: 2000 to 2022
  • Published: Sep 2023

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Mar 28, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Men's population growth

Between 2000 and 2022, the male population increased from 3.08 billion to 4.00 billion, marking a total growth of 30%. This represents an average annual increase of approximately 0.05 billion men per year.

Women's population growth

During the same period, the female population grew from 3.03 billion to 3.95 billion, showing a total increase of 30%, with an average annual growth of around 0.04 billion women per year.

Gap between men's and women's populations

The gap between the male and female populations widened over the years, starting at 50 million in 2000 and increasing to 50 million by 2022. This indicates a consistent gender ratio with a slight male predominance over the two decades.

Fastest growth period for both genders

The fastest population growth for both men and women occurred between 2015 and 2016, where the male population grew by 0.05 billion and the female population by 0.04 billion, the highest annual increase within the period.

Comparison of growth rates

While both populations have seen significant growth, the male population has consistently been slightly higher than the female population every year, maintaining a nearly constant growth rate difference that reflects in the slight widening of the gender gap over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What was the percentage increase in male population from 2000 to 2022?

The male population saw a 30% increase from 2000 to 2022.

What was the annual average increase in female population during this period?

The female population had an average annual increase of roughly 0.04 billion from 2000 to 2022.

How did the gap between male and female population change from 2000 to 2022?

The gap between male and female populations remained stable at 50 million from 2000 to 2022.

Terms and Definitions

Gender refers to the range of characteristics related to and differentiating between femininity and masculinity. In social science, it is often considered as a social and cultural construct, encompassing roles and expectations associated with women and men. Traditionally, the terms "female" and "male" designate biological and physiological characteristics that define women and men respectively.

The world population refers to the total number of humans currently living on the planet. It is calculated by taking into account various factors such as births, deaths, and migration patterns that influence population growth or decline.

Gender distribution refers to the statistical distribution of people across a variety of gender identities in a certain population. In basic studies, it typically includes the proportion of males to females; although for more nuanced analysis, it may span across other identified genders.

Population distribution refers to the spatial dispersal or arrangement of people within a specific geographic area. This distribution takes into consideration factors such as urban concentration, rural population spread, any migration patterns, and variations over time.

Gender disparity refers to the unequal treatment or perceptions of people based on their gender. These differences could be in opportunities, resources, services, benefits, decision-making power, and so forth. In population studies, this could refer to unequal gender ratios in a population.

Demographic transition refers to the shift from high birth and death rates to lower birth and death rates as a country or region develops its economic and social sectors. The transition fundamentally restructures the population distribution, often influencing the gender makeup of a population.

Gender ratio refers to the proportional representation of each gender in a specific group or population. It is typically represented as the number of males per one hundred females.

Gender balance refers to an equal distribution or representation of diverse genders in a given population, group, or setting. Achieving gender balance is often seen as an indicator of gender equality and fairness.
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