World: Largest Populations, by country
CountryPopulation in millions
U.S.United States of America332.8
DR CongoDR Congo99.0
U.K.United Kingdom67.6
  • Region: Worldwide
  • Time period: 2023
  • Published: June 2023

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Mar 28, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Asia's dominance in global population

Asia hosts the two leading countries in population, with China at approximately 1436.6 million and India close behind at 1417.2 million, showcasing the continent's significant influence on global demographics.

Africa's notable representation by Nigeria

Nigeria emerges as Africa's most populous nation with 218.5 million, highlighting the continent's demographic expansion and its implications for future growth.

The United States' demographic prominence

With around 332.8 million inhabitants, the United States ranks as the third most populous country globally and the top in the Americas, underscoring its distinctive position in demographic rankings.

Varied population scales across continents

The data reveals a wide range in population sizes, from China's 1436.6 million to the United Kingdom's 67.6 million, illustrating the diverse demographic scales present across continents.

High population concentration in top countries

The combined population of the top three countries—China, India, and the United States—exceeds 3.1 billion, indicating that a significant portion of the world's population resides in just a few countries.

Emergence of middle-income countries in population rankings

Countries like Indonesia, Pakistan, and Brazil with populations of approximately 275.5 million, 235.8 million, and 214.8 million respectively, highlight the prominence of middle-income nations in global population figures.

Declining populations in economically advanced countries

Japan and Germany, with populations of 124.9 million and 83.3 million respectively, represent economically advanced countries with relatively lower population growth rates, suggesting trends towards aging populations and lower birth rates.

The demographic significance of South Asia and Southeast Asia

The inclusion of countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Indonesia in the top populated list emphasizes the demographic importance of South Asia and Southeast Asia, regions that are experiencing rapid population growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which country has the highest population?

The country with the highest population globally is China, boasting a massive 1436.6 million inhabitants.

What is the least populated country within the top 20 most populated countries?

The United Kingdom is the least populated country among the top 20, with a population of 67.6 million.

What is the population difference between China and India?

The population difference between the two most populated countries, China and India, is a mere 19.4 million.

Which continent dominates the top 10 most populated countries?

Asia dominates the top 10 most populated countries list, with countries such as China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

Terms and Definitions

Population refers to the total number of individuals residing in a specific geographic area. This can apply to various sizes—from a global scale to specific territories like countries, regions, cities, or towns. Population size is one of the standard measures of a place's scale and capacity, often used in data analysis and planning.

A Census is an official, typically government-led, count of citizens or residents within a specific country or region. It is usually conducted at regular intervals and involves collecting various demographic information including age, sex, occupation, etc. Census data is vital for the planning of public services and understanding the demographic characteristics of a country.

Demographics refers to the statistical information of a population. This typically includes gender, age, ethnicity, income level, education, etc. These are used for market research, public policy planning, and social research. It helps in understanding the characteristics and behavior of a group of humans in a given location.

Population Density is a measurement of population per unit area or unit volume. In its basic sense, it is calculated as the number of people per square kilometer or mile. This can be a key indicator of overpopulation, distribution of resources, and how crowded a country or region may be.

Population Growth Rate represents the pace at which the number of inhabitants in a country increases (or decreases) over a given period of time, typically annualy. It's expressed as a percentage and considers factors such as births, deaths, and net migration.

Birth Rate, typically given per 1,000 people of an overall population in a year, refers to the annual number of live births. It is a crucial factor in calculating population growth.

Similar to birth rate, Death Rate is the number of deaths occurring per 1,000 individuals in a population, per year. It along with birth rate and migration rate influence population size and growth.

Fertility rate is the average number of children born to a woman over her lifetime in a population. It is an indicator of the reproduction level and potential growth rate of a population.
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