World: Highest Fertility Rates, by country
CountryNumber of children,
per woman
DR CongoDR Congo5.56
South SudanSouth Sudan5.20
  • Region: Worldwide
  • Time period: 2023
  • Published: Jun 2023

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Mar 28, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Highest Fertility Rate

Niger holds the highest fertility rate globally with an average of 6.73 children per woman.

African Dominance

African countries exclusively make up the top 20 list, showcasing the continent's predominant high fertility rates.

Fertility Rate Threshold

Every country listed has a minimum fertility rate of 4.33 children per woman, with Tanzania at the threshold.

Sub-Saharan Focus

The data reflects a concentration of high fertility rates within Sub-Saharan Africa, indicating regional demographic trends.

Nigeria's Position

Despite being Africa's most populous nation, Nigeria ranks 15th with a fertility rate of 4.57 children per woman, highlighting diverse demographic patterns across the continent.

Decline towards the Bottom

The fertility rate decreases gradually as the list progresses, moving from 6.73 children per woman in Niger to 4.33 in Tanzania, illustrating a wide yet consistent range across these high-fertility countries.

Isolation of Non-African Countries

Afghanistan stands out as the only non-African country in the top 20, with a fertility rate of 4.53 children per woman, highlighting the global demographic differences in fertility rates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which country has the highest fertility rate?

Niger holds the record for the highest fertility rate with an average of 6.73 children per woman.

Which country has the lowest fertility rate among those listed?

The lowest fertility rate among the specified list is in Tanzania, with 4.33 children per woman.

What is a noticeable trend in geographical areas with high fertility rates?

Notably, most countries with the highest fertility rates are concentrated in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Is there any non-African country among the top 20 with high fertility rate?

Yes, Afghanistan stands out as the only non-African country in the top 20, with a fertility rate of 4.53 children per woman.

Terms and Definitions

This refers to the number of live births per 1,000 women of reproductive age in a population in a given year. This demographic measurement is an important gauge of a country's future population size and demographic changes.

Total fertility rate is an estimate of the average number of children that each woman in a population will have during her childbearing years, given current birth rates. It's a more specific metric than the general fertility rate as it considers the age of women, which greatly influences fertility.

The Replacement fertility rate is the rate at which a generation can exactly replace itself, meaning enough children are born to replace their parents. For most countries, it is generally calculated to be 2.1, assuming no immigration or emigration, and no significant mortality before the end of a woman's childbearing years.

This is the increase in the number of individuals in a population due to factors such as birth and immigration. Many factors can influence population growth like the fertility rate and mortality rate.

This is the number of live births per 1,000 of a population in a year. Unlike fertility rate, it doesn't specify the ages of women.

Demographics is the statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it. This may cover age, income, mobility, education, home ownership and employment.

Demographic transition is a socio-economic shift from high birth and death rates to lower birth and death rates as a country develops from a pre-industrial to an industrialized economy. It’s typically a consequence of economic and social development, and leads to aging population and slower population growth.

This refers to the number of deaths of children under the age of 5 per 1,000 live births in a given year. It's a significant indicator of a nation's general health statistics, as it often reflects issues such as access to and quality of medical care in a country.

Life expectancy is the average number of years a newborn is expected to live, assuming that current mortality rates stay the same throughout the child's life. It's an important indicator of the overall health and quality of life in a country.
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