U.S.: Unadjusted Number of Full-Time Employees, by month
MonthNumber of employees,
in millions
Jan 2024131.55
Dec 2023132.59
Nov 2023134.63
Oct 2023134.82
Sep 2023134.56
Aug 2023135.45
Jul 2023135.49
Jun 2023135.86
May 2023134.58
Apr 2023133.89
Mar 2023133.45
Feb 2023132.17
Jan 2023131.18
Dec 2022131.81
Nov 2022132.15
Oct 2022132.54
Sep 2022133.03
Aug 2022133.63
Jul 2022133.84
Jun 2022133.63
May 2022132.82
Apr 2022131.36
Mar 2022131.66
Feb 2022130.71
Jan 2022129.75
  • Region: United States
  • Time period: Jan 2022 to Jan 2024
  • Published: Feb 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Mar 28, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Overall Trend in Full-time Employment

Full-time employees in the U.S. experienced a fluctuation over the provided period, with the number peaking at 135.86 million in June 2023 and the lowest point recorded at 129.75 million in January 2022. This indicates a significant increase in employment levels over the observed timeframe.

Yearly Comparison of Employment Numbers

January 2024 saw a slight increase in the number of full-time employees, reaching 131.55 million, compared to 131.18 million in January 2023. This growth reflects a year-over-year improvement in employment figures.

Monthly Employment Changes

The largest monthly decrease in the number of full-time employees occurred between November 2023 and December 2023, with a reduction of 2.04 million. This significant drop underscores the volatility in employment within short periods.

Employment Trends in 2023

Throughout 2023, full-time employment saw its highest number in June at 135.86 million and its lowest in March at 133.45 million. This variation highlights the dynamic nature of the job market within a single year.

Long-term Employment Growth

Comparing the beginning and end points of the dataset, full-time employment grew from 129.75 million in January 2022 to 131.55 million in January 2024. This growth of 1.8 million full-time employees over two years showcases the overall positive trend in employment.

Quarterly Peaks and Troughs

The highest quarterly employment figure was observed in the third quarter of 2023, with a peak at 135.86 million in June. Conversely, the lowest quarterly figure was in the first quarter of 2022, with 130.71 million in February, indicating seasonal influences on employment levels.

Impact of Seasonal Changes

Seasonal trends show a consistent increase in full-time employment numbers during the summer months, with the highest numbers typically reported in June or July each year. This suggests that employment may be influenced by seasonal job creation.

Frequently Asked Questions

When did full-time employment peak in the U.S. during the observed period?

The number of full-time employees in the U.S. peaked at 135.86 million in June 2023.

How did the number of full-time employees change between January 2023 and January 2024?

The number of full-time employees increased slightly from 131.18 million in January 2023 to 131.55 million in January 2024.

When was the largest monthly decrease in full-time employment?

The largest monthly decrease occurred between November 2023 and December 2023, with a reduction of 2.04 million employees.

How much has full-time employment grown over two years?

Full-time employment growth was 1.8 million employees, from 129.75 million in January 2022 to 131.55 million in January 2024.

Terms and Definitions

Full-time employees refer to individuals who work a full week, typically 35-40 hours, depending on the organization's policies and the industry standard. These individuals are often entitled to benefits depending on their tenure, working hours, and the labor laws of the country.

U.S. Employees refer to individuals who are employed by organizations based in the U.S. It includes both U.S. citizens and foreign nationals meeting specific legal requirements for employment within the United States.

The unadjusted monthly number is a statistical figure pertaining to a particular period, usually a month, that has not been revised or manipulated to account for seasonal variations or fluctuations. This figure gives a straightforward snapshot of a situation or phenomenon during a specific month.

Seasonal variation refers to predictable changes that recur every calendar year due to weather, holidays, and other regular events. In statistical analysis, this variation is often removed to better understand cyclical trends or to make comparisons.

Periodic variations refer to predictable fluctuations in data that occur repetitively over a specified interval of time, which can be due to seasons, quarters, or other regular intervals. Such variations can impact the comparability of monthly data if not adjusted accordingly.

Cyclical trends are patterns of fluctuation in statistical data that occur over more extended periods, usually due to broader economic cycles. These trends can be upward or downward and can last from a few years to several decades.

Data manipulation involves adjusting or altering raw data to make it easier to read, understand, and analyze. It can include techniques like removing outliers, smoothing out data, or correction for seasonal or cyclical variations.
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