U.S.: Prevalence of Angina Among Seniors, by year
YearShare of adults aged 65 years and older,
in %
  • Region: United States
  • Time period: 2019 to 2022
  • Published: Feb 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Mar 30, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Trend in Angina Prevalence Among Seniors

Angina prevalence among seniors in the United States experienced a fluctuation from 2019 to 2022. Initially, 4.4% of adults aged 65 years and older were reported to have angina in 2019. A subsequent decrease occurred, reaching a low of 3.7% in 2021. However, by 2022, the rate rebounded to 4.5%, marking the highest prevalence observed during the four-year period.

Decrease and Rebound in Prevalence Rates

The data reveals a notable decline in angina prevalence among seniors from 2019's 4.4% to 3.7% in 2021, followed by a sharp rebound to 4.5% in 2022. This pattern suggests a potential volatility in the health status or diagnosis rates of this condition among the elderly population over the observed years.

Comparative Analysis of Yearly Changes

Between 2019 and 2020, there was a decrease in angina prevalence among seniors by 0.5 percentage points, which continued but at a slower rate of 0.2 percentage points into 2021. The year 2022 saw a significant increase of 0.8 percentage points from the previous year, indicating a reversal of the prior downward trend.

Lowest Prevalence Rate

The year 2021 stands out as having the lowest reported prevalence of angina among seniors over the four-year period, with only 3.7% of adults aged 65 and older affected. This represents the minimum point in the fluctuating pattern of angina prevalence.

Overview of Prevalence Changes Over Time

Analyzing the entire period from 2019 to 2022, the overall change in angina prevalence among seniors showcases a net increase of 0.1 percentage points. This indicates that despite year-to-year fluctuations, the prevalence rate in 2022 slightly exceeded the initial rate observed in 2019.

Frequently Asked Questions

What was the lowest recorded prevalence of angina among seniors during the selected period?

The lowest recorded prevalence of angina among seniors was in 2021, at 3.7%.

What was the overall change in angina prevalence among U.S. seniors?

From 2019 to 2022, the overall change in angina prevalence among U.S. seniors was a net increase of 0.1 percentage points.

Terms and Definitions

Angina is a medical condition characterized by severe chest pain or discomfort resulting from decreased blood flow to the heart. This condition generally occurs when part of the heart isn't receiving enough oxygen and is mostly caused by narrowed or blocked coronary arteries.

Prevalence refers to the total number of cases of a specific disease present in a certain population at a given time. It is a statistical measure used by researchers to estimate the commonality of a disease in a certain area or population.

Coronary arteries are the two major blood vessels that supply the heart muscle with oxygen-rich blood. They wrap around the outside of the heart, and when they narrow or become blocked, it can lead to heart diseases such as angina or a heart attack.

Chronic disease is a long-standing condition that can be controlled but usually not cured. Chronic diseases are characterized by their long duration and slow progression, common examples include heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Angina, in this context, is considered a chronic disease due to its ongoing management challenge.

Risk factors are attributes, characteristics or exposures that increase the likelihood of developing a disease or health problem. In the case of Angina, risk factors may include older age, smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, and a family history of heart disease.
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