U.S.: Most Lobbied Issues, by number of clients and lobbyists
IssueNo. of clientsNo. of lobbyists
Fed Budget & Appropriations4,0944,568
Health Issues2,2433,779
Energy & Nuclear Power1,1992,292
Medicare & Medicaid9941,880
Environment & Superfund9781,898
Labor Antitrust & Workplace7611,956
Natural Resources729996
Science & Technology6631,322
Government Issues6291,310
Homeland Security5231,214
Clean Air & Water404711
Aviation Airlines & Airports391953
Economics & Econ Development385726
Foreign Relations379855
Consumer Product Safety3581,126
Law Enforcement & Crime357812
Veterans Affairs354868
Marine Boats & Fisheries312472
  • Region: United States
  • Time period: 2023
  • Published: Jan 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Apr 14, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Fed Budget & Appropriations Leads in Both Clients and Lobbyists

The issue of Fed Budget & Appropriations dominates the lobbying landscape with the highest count of both 4,094 clients and 4,568 lobbyists. This indicates a significant focus on government spending and fiscal policy, reflecting its paramount importance to stakeholders.

Health Issues and Taxes Attract Substantial Lobbyist Attention

Health Issues and Taxes also see considerable lobbying activity, with 2,243 and 1,777 clients respectively. The number of lobbyists for these issues is notably high, with 3,779 for Health Issues and 3,826 for Taxes, underscoring the critical nature of these areas in public policy and economic life.

Defense and Transportation Secure Over 1,500 Clients Each

Defense and Transportation issues secure substantial interest with 1,712 and 1,567 clients respectively. The sectors demonstrate the strategic and infrastructural priorities of lobbyists and their clients, with a notable focus on national security and public transport systems.

Energy, Trade, and Agriculture Show Significant Lobbying Activity

The sectors of Energy & Nuclear Power, Trade, and Agriculture exhibit considerable lobbying efforts with over 1,000 clients each. These areas highlight the economic and environmental concerns driving the lobbying agenda, emphasizing the importance of sustainable development and international commerce.

Education and Environmental Issues Garner Broad Interest

Education and Environment & Superfund issues attract a wide range of lobbyists and clients, with 941 and 978 clients respectively. These figures reflect the societal commitment to improving education systems and addressing environmental challenges.

Finance and Science & Technology Receive Targeted Lobbying

The Finance and Science & Technology sectors receive focused lobbying efforts, with 671 and 663 clients respectively. This demonstrates the evolving landscape of financial regulation and the growing interest in technological innovation among stakeholders.

Homeland Security, Telecommunications, and Immigration Show Diverse Lobbying Interests

Issues like Homeland Security, Telecommunications, and Immigration show the diversity of lobbying interests, with respective client counts of 523, 458, and 442. These areas underscore the range of concerns, from national safety to digital infrastructure and social policies.

Natural Resources and Clean Air & Water Highlight Environmental Focus

The focus on Natural Resources and Clean Air & Water with 729 and 404 clients respectively, underscores the environmental advocacy present in lobbying efforts. The commitment to preserving natural habitats and ensuring clean water and air is evident through the number of engaged lobbyists and clients.

Veterans Affairs and Consumer Product Safety Draw Attention

Veterans Affairs and Consumer Product Safety, with 354 and 358 clients respectively, illustrate the societal value placed on supporting veterans and ensuring product safety. These issues, though specific, garner significant attention and resources in the lobbying arena.

Manufacturing and Economic Development Represent Key Economic Sectors

The manufacturing sector and economic development issues, with 410 and 385 clients respectively, represent key areas of economic interest. The focus on these sectors highlights the importance of industrial growth and economic expansion as central to lobbying efforts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which issue has the highest count of clients and lobbyists?

The issue of Fed Budget & Appropriations has the highest count of both 4,094 clients and 4,568 lobbyists.

Which issues have substantial lobbyist attention after Fed Budget & Appropriations?

Health Issues and Taxes have substantial lobbying activity, with 2,243 and 1,777 clients respectively, and 3,779 lobbyists for Health Issues and 3,826 for Taxes.

Which sectors secured over 1,500 clients each?

Defense and Transportation sectors secured over 1,500 clients each, with 1,712 and 1,567 clients respectively.

Which sectors showed significant lobbying activity with over 1,000 clients each?

The sectors of Energy & Nuclear Power, Trade, and Agriculture showed significant lobbying efforts with over 1,000 clients each.

Terms and Definitions

Lobbying is the act of attempting to influence decisions made by individuals in a government. It involves hired individuals or organizations advocating for certain causes on behalf of groups or individuals.

A lobbyist is an individual or organization that engages in lobbying. They seek to persuade or influence public officials and legislators to enact legislation that would benefit their clients or the cause they represent.

In the context of lobbying, a client is an individual, company, or group that hires a lobbyist or lobbying firm for representation in political matters. Clients generally seek to influence legislation or regulations that directly affect their interests.

An issue in lobbying refers to a topic or area of concern that a lobbyist is hired to address on behalf of their client. Issues can range widely, from healthcare and defense to environmental policy and trade.

Legislation refers to laws or a set of laws proposed or enacted by a legislative body. Lobbyists often aim to influence the creation, modification, passage, or rejection of legislation that impacts their client's interests.

Campaign finance refers to the all funds that are raised and spent to promote candidates, political parties, or policy initiatives in elections. Entities may lobby to influence campaign finance laws or policies that affect their ability to support certain candidates or causes.

Regulations refer to rules or directives made and maintained by an authority. Lobbyists often work to influence government regulations to favor their client's interests. These may include regulations concerning health, environment, industry, etc.

Federal agencies are part of the government's executive branch, responsible for enforcing the laws enacted by the legislative branch. Lobbyists may work to shape the policies and decisions of these agencies in line with their client's interests.

A Political Action Committee (PAC) is a type of organization that collects campaign contributions from members and donates those funds to campaign for or against candidates, ballot initiatives, or legislation. Lobbyists may represent PACs to further their political agenda.
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Lobbying is the act of influencing decisions made by officials in the government, where lobbyist professionals use their resources and networks to sway public policy or funding decisions. Read more »