U.S.: Age of Presidents at Inauguration, by president
Theodore Roosevelt (Rep, 26)42.88
John F. Kennedy (Dem, 35)43.65
Bill Clinton (Dem, 42)46.42
Ulysses S. Grant (Rep, 18)46.85
Barack Obama (Dem, 44)47.46
Franklin Pierce (Dem, 14)48.28
James A. Garfield (Rep, 20)49.29
James K. Polk (11)49.33
Millard Fillmore (13)50.50
John Tyler (10)51.02
Franklin D. Roosevelt (Dem, 32)51.09
Chester A. Arthur (Rep, 21)51.96
Grover Cleveland (Dem, 22+24)51.96
Abraham Lincoln (Rep, 16)52.05
Jimmy Carter (Dem, 39)52.30
Martin Van Buren (Dem, 8)54.24
Rutherford B. Hayes (Rep, 19)54.41
George W. Bush (Rep, 43)54.54
Lyndon B. Johnson (Dem, 36)55.24
William H. Taft (Rep, 27)55.47
Richard Nixon (Rep, 37)56.03
Andrew Johnson (Dem, 17)56.29
Calvin Coolidge (Rep, 30)56.67
George Washington (1)57.18
John Quincy Adams (6)57.65
Warren G. Harding (Rep, 29)57.75
Thomas Jefferson (3)57.89
James Madison (4)57.97
Herbert Hoover (Rep, 31)58.56
William McKinley (Rep, 25)58.62
James Monroe (5)58.85
Benjamin Harrison (Rep, 23)59.54
Harry S. Truman (Dem, 33)60.93
Gerald Ford (Rep, 38)61.07
Zachary Taylor (12)61.27
John Adams (2)61.34
Andrew Jackson (Dem, 7)61.97
Dwight D. Eisenhower (Rep, 34)62.27
Woodrow Wilson (Dem, 28)64.18
George H. W. Bush (Rep, 41)64.61
James Buchanan (Dem, 15)65.86
William H. Harrison (9)68.06
Ronald Reagan (Rep, 40)69.96
Donald Trump (Rep, 45)70.60
Joe Biden (Dem, 46)78.17
  • Region: United States
  • Time period: 1789 to 2021
  • Published: 2021

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Mar 28, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Youngest and Oldest Presidents at Inauguration

The youngest president at inauguration was Theodore Roosevelt at 42.88 years, while the oldest was Joe Biden at 78.17 years.

Average Age at Inauguration

The average age of U.S. Presidents at the time of their inauguration is 56.72 years.

Most Common Age Decade for Inauguration

The most common age decade for presidents at inauguration is the 50s, with 24 presidents being inaugurated in this age range.

Party with the Youngest Average Age at Inauguration

The Democratic Party has the youngest average age at inauguration with 55.87 years compared to the Republican Party's average of 57.01 years.

Age Distribution by Decade

Presidents are most frequently inaugurated in their 50s (24 presidents), followed by those in their 40s (8 presidents), and 60s (11 presidents). Presidents in their 70s are the least common, with only 2 occurrences.

Dominance of Middle-aged Presidents

The majority of U.S. Presidents, specifically 24 out of 45, were inaugurated in their 50s, highlighting a preference for leaders perceived to be in the prime of their professional and intellectual maturity.

Youthful Leaders in Historical Context

Only 8 Presidents were below the age of 50 at the time of their inauguration, underscoring the rarity of younger individuals ascending to the presidency, and possibly reflecting societal norms or expectations regarding experience and age.

Senior Leadership

The presence of 13 Presidents aged 60 years or older at the time of their inauguration reflects the electorate's trust in the wisdom and experience that comes with age, especially in more recent elections.

Party Analysis Through Ages

With 19 Republican (Rep) and 15 Democratic (Dem) Presidents identified, the data suggests a slight predominance of the Republican party among Presidents where party affiliation is specified, indicating historical shifts and trends in political dominance.

Evolution of Presidential Ages

The data illustrates an evolution in the age profile of Presidents at inauguration, from Theodore Roosevelt, the youngest, to Joe Biden, the oldest, possibly reflecting changing perceptions of leadership qualities over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who was the youngest president at inauguration?

The youngest president at inauguration was Theodore Roosevelt at 42.88 years.

Who was the oldest president at inauguration?

The oldest president at inauguration was Joe Biden at 78.17 years.

What is the average age of U.S. Presidents at inauguration?

The average age of U.S. Presidents at inauguration is 56.72 years.

Which party has the youngest average age at inauguration?

The Democratic Party has the youngest average age at inauguration, with an average of 55.87 years.

Terms and Definitions

U.S. Presidents refers to the individuals who have held the position of the President of the United States. This is the highest elective office in the U.S., serving as the Head of State and the Head of Government.

Inauguration refers to the official ceremony that marks the beginning of the President's term in office. Traditionally, this is where the President takes the Oath of Office and officially assumes the responsibilities of President.

In this context, age refers to how old, in years, the U.S. President is at the point in time of their inauguration. This can vary, but according to the U.S. Constitution, anyone who is below the age of 35 cannot serve as President.

The Oath of Office is a legally binding oath or affirmation a person takes before undertaking the duties of an office. For the U.S. President, it signifies loyalty to the U.S. Constitution and commitment to the duties and responsibilities of the Presidency.

The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the United States. It outlines the structure, functions, and limitations of the U.S. government, including the eligibility requirements for the Presidency.

The term in office refers to the period of time during which a person serves in a particular office. For U.S. Presidents, one term is four years, and they can serve a maximum of two consecutive terms.

Eligibility requirements refer to the qualifications that a person must meet in order to serve as the U.S. President. This includes being a natural-born U.S. citizen, being at least 35 years old, and living in the U.S. for at least 14 years.

A natural-born U.S. citizen is someone who is a citizen of the United States from birth. In the context of U.S. Presidency, this is a key requirement as stated in the U.S. Constitution.
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