Spain: Number of Employees in Pharmaceutical Industry, by year
YearNo. of employees
  • Region: Spain
  • Time period: 2008 to 2021
  • Published: Mar 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Apr 17, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Overall Employee Growth in the Spanish Pharmaceutical Industry Over the Years

The Spanish pharmaceutical industry experienced a consistent increase in employee numbers over the last decade, growing from 36,713 employees in 2012 to 51,310 employees in 2021. This represents an overall growth of 39.8% over this period, reflecting a strong upward trend in employment within the sector.

Year-on-Year Employee Growth Trends

Year-on-year growth in the number of employees shows variability but remains positive for most years. Notably, the jump from 42,653 employees in 2017 to 47,449 employees in 2018 marked one of the most significant increases of 11.3%. This spike contrasts with a more modest growth of 0.6% from 50,984 employees in 2020 to 51,310 employees in 2021.

Post-Recession Recovery and Growth

Following a period of economic challenges marked by the recession around 2008, the pharmaceutical industry showed resilience and recovery. From 36,713 employees in 2012, which was a decline from 40,385 employees in 2008, the industry not only rebounded but also surpassed previous employment numbers, achieving continuous growth thereafter.

Stagnation and Decline During Economic Recession

The years following the 2008 economic downturn saw a decline in the workforce within the industry, reaching a low of 36,713 employees by 2012. This decline represents a reduction of 16.5% over a span of four years, reflecting the significant impact of the economic recession on employment within the sector.

Recent Trends in Employee Growth

The most recent data from 2021 reflects a steady, albeit slower, growth in employment numbers. The increase of 326 employees from 2020 to 2021 indicates a slowing momentum in hiring within the industry, possibly hinting at a maturation phase or external economic factors influencing hiring practices.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the overall growth of the Spanish pharmaceutical industry over the last decade?

The Spanish pharmaceutical industry saw a growth of 39.8% over the last decade, from 36,713 employees in 2012 to 51,310 employees in 2021.

What were the employee growth trends in recent years?

The most significant increase was 11.3% from 42,653 employees in 2017 to 47,449 employees in 2018, while from 2020 to 2021, there was a more modest growth of 0.6%.

Terms and Definitions

The pharmaceutical industry is a sector that researches, develops, produces, and markets drugs licensed for use as medication. This industry includes both public and private companies that are involved in the various stages from drug discovery to marketing.

Employees are individuals who work part-time or full-time under a contract of employment, whether oral or written, express or implied, and have recognized rights and duties. In the context of the pharmaceutical industry, employees can be involved in multiple roles such as research scientists, quality control specialists, sales representatives, among others.
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