Spain: Myelodysplastic Syndrome Mortality, by year
YearNumber of deaths
  • Region: Spain
  • Time period: 2005 to 2021
  • Published: Jan 2023

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Mar 28, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Overall Increase in Deaths

The total number of deaths due to myelodysplastic syndrome in Spain has seen a significant rise from 753 deaths in 2006 to 1118 deaths in 2021, marking an increase of 48.5% over 15 years. This upward trend underscores the growing impact of this disease over time.

Yearly Variations and Peak Mortality

Deaths peaked in 2017 with 1205 cases, the highest number recorded in the dataset. Following this peak, a fluctuating yet generally decreasing trend occurred, with 2020 experiencing a slight increase to 1173 deaths before decreasing again in 2021.

Recent Decline in Deaths

Despite the overall upward trend over the years, the last reported year, 2021, saw a decrease in deaths to 1118, down from 1173 in 2020. This recent decline might indicate an improvement in managing the disease or other influencing factors.

Steady Growth in Early Years

Between 2006 and 2015, there was a consistent year-on-year increase in deaths, with the numbers rising from 753 to 1081. This period marks a significant phase of steady growth in mortality due to myelodysplastic syndrome.

Analysis of Decade-long Data

Over the decade from 2011 to 2021, the data reveals a 23.7% increase in the number of deaths, from 904 to 1118. This decade-long perspective highlights the gradual but persistent rise in mortality associated with myelodysplastic syndrome.

Minimum and Maximum Annual Changes

The year with the largest increase in deaths was between 2013 and 2014, with a jump of 78 deaths. Conversely, the most significant decrease occurred from 2017 to 2018, with a reduction of 63 deaths, indicating variability in annual mortality rates.

Frequently Asked Questions

How has the number of deaths due to myelodysplastic syndrome in Spain changed from 2006 to 2021?

The total number of deaths has seen a rise from 753 deaths in 2006 to 1118 deaths in 2021, an increase of 48.5%.

How has the number of deaths changed in the most recent years?

The last reported year, 2021, saw a decrease in deaths to 1118, down from 1173 in 2020.

Terms and Definitions

Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) refers to a group of heterogeneous diseases characterized by bone marrow failure, which results in the inability to produce sufficient blood cells. The condition leads to abnormal immature cells in the marrow and blood, causing issues like anemia, infections, and bleeding.

Mortality is a medical term for the incidence of death in a population. When used in epidemiology, it typically refers to the number of deaths in a certain group of people for a specific period (usually expressed per 1,000 or 100,000 individuals) and due to a particular cause.

The incidence rate in epidemiology refers to the rate at which new cases of a disease occur in a population over a specific time period. It reflects the probability or risk of an individual in that population developing the disease within that specified period.

Prevalence rate in epidemiology is the total number of cases (existing and new) of a disease present in a certain population at a specific time. It indicates how widespread a disease is within the population.

Risk factors refer to any characteristic, condition, or behavior that increases the likelihood of getting a disease or injury. Risk factors for MDS can include age, exposure to certain chemicals, radiation, and specific therapies or treatments.

Prognosis refers to the likely course or outcome of a disease. It can be influenced by a variety of factors including the type of disease, its progression, and the treatment strategy.

The survival rate represents the proportion of individuals with a certain disease still alive after a specified duration, usually five years after diagnosis. This period does not imply that patients will not live beyond five years, but it is a significant benchmark in evaluating the severity of a disease.

Bone marrow failure is a condition in which the marrow doesn't produce enough red cells, white cells or platelets, or the cells that are produced are damaged or defective. This condition can be caused by numerous factors, including genetic disorders, viral infections, environmental exposures to certain toxins, and diseases like MDS.
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