Snapchat: Daily Active Users, by quarter
YearNumber of DAU,
in millions
Q3 2023406
Q2 2023397
Q1 2023383
Q4 2022375
Q3 2022363
Q2 2022347
Q1 2022332
Q4 2021319
Q3 2021306
Q2 2021293
Q1 2021280
Q4 2020265
Q3 2020249
Q2 2020238
Q1 2020229
Q4 2019218
Q3 2019210
Q2 2019203
Q1 2019190
Q4 2018186
Q3 2018186
Q2 2018188
Q1 2018191
Q4 2017187
Q3 2017178
Q2 2017173
Q1 2017166
Q4 2016158
Q3 2016153
Q2 2016143
Q1 2016122
Q4 2015107
Q3 201594
Q2 201586
Q1 201580
Q4 201471
Q3 201462
Q2 201457
Q1 201446
  • Region: Worldwide
  • Time period: Q1 2014 to Q3 2023
  • Published: Oct 2023

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Mar 28, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Overall Growth in Active Daily Users

Snapchat's number of active daily users (DAU) has shown a consistent increase, growing from 46 million in Q1 2014 to 406 million in Q3 2023. This demonstrates a significant expansion in user base over nearly a decade.

Annual Growth Trends

The annual growth rate of Snapchat's DAU has varied, with one of the most notable increases occurring between Q4 2015 (107 million) and Q4 2016 (158 million), indicating a substantial year-over-year growth.

Quarterly Growth Consistency

Snapchat has experienced consistent quarterly growth in its DAU, with increments ranging from as low as 7 million to as high as 21 million users in consecutive quarters, showcasing steady engagement and user acquisition.

Impact of Seasonal Trends

The data does not explicitly reveal a clear pattern of seasonal trends affecting DAU growth, as increments are observed across all quarters, indicating that Snapchat's user growth is relatively stable throughout the year.

Plateauing Growth Rates

While Snapchat's DAU continues to grow, the rate of increase shows signs of plateauing, particularly when comparing the growth from Q4 2018 (186 million) to Q1 2019 (190 million), where the growth was only 4 million users, suggesting a potential saturation point in user acquisition.

Frequently Asked Questions

How has Snapchat's daily active users (DAU) changed over the period from Q1 2014 to Q3 2023?

Snapchat's DAU has grown substantially from 46 million in Q1 2014 to 406 million in Q3 2023.

What was the notable annual DAU growth for Snapchat?

Snapchat's most notable annual DAU growth occurred between Q4 2015 (107 million) and Q4 2016 (158 million).

Does Snapchat show consistent growth in its DAU?

Yes, Snapchat has experienced consistent quarterly growth in its DAU, with increments ranging from 7 million to 21 million.

Has Snapchat's growth rate shown signs of plateauing?

Yes, the data suggests a plateauing in growth rate, particularly when comparing the growth from Q4 2018 (186 million) to Q1 2019 (190 million), which showed only a 4 million user increase.

Terms and Definitions

Snapchat is a photo and video sharing application popular among millennials and Gen Z users that stands apart due to its temporary-content feature. Snaps or snapchats are photos or videos that disappear after being viewed, creating a sense of urgency and making every moment worth capturing.

Daily Active Users (DAUs) refers to the number of unique users who engage with an application or a website in a 24-hour period. It is a key engagement metric used by digital and social media platforms to measure the daily usage of their products and services.

User engagement is a metric used to determine how actively users interact with a product, website, or application. This could be measured through various actions like clicking, liking, sharing, commenting, or spending time on the application or website.

A social media platform is a digital service that allows users to interact with each other by sharing and consuming content. Examples include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. They serve as a space for online social interaction, content creation and consumption, marketing, and more.

Unique users, often also referred to as unique visitors, is a metric which counts distinct individuals regardless of how many times they visit or engage with a product, application, or website during a given timeframe. It helps determine the reach or audience size of a digital product.
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