Romania: Largest Cities, by population
CityNumber of inhabitants,
in thousands
  • Region: Romania
  • Time period: Jul, 2022
  • Published: Jul 2023

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Mar 27, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Population Distribution Across Major Romanian Towns

Bucharest stands out as the largest town in Romania with a staggering 2,162.28 thousand inhabitants, which significantly surpasses the population of the second-largest town, Iași, by approximately 1,768.71 thousand. The capital city's population is more than five times larger than that of Iași, showcasing a significant concentration of Romania's population in its capital.

Comparison Between Top Two and Remaining Towns

The population gap between Iași, the second-largest town with 393.57 thousand inhabitants, and Cluj-Napoca, the third-largest with 328.42 thousand, is relatively modest at 65.15 thousand. This contrasts sharply with the vast difference in population between Bucharest and Iași, indicating a more even distribution among the subsequent largest towns after the capital.

Insight into the Bottom Ranks of the Top Ten

Oradea and Ploiești, ranking ninth and tenth respectively, have populations very close to each other, with Oradea hosting 218.07 thousand inhabitants and Ploiești slightly behind at 216.13 thousand. This minor difference of 1.94 thousand highlights the competitive population sizes at the lower end of the top ten largest towns in Romania.

Population Concentration in Top Three Cities

The combined population of the top three towns— Bucharest, Iași, and Cluj-Napoca —amounts to 2,884.27 thousand inhabitants, illustrating a significant portion of Romania's urban population concentrated in just three cities. This concentration points to a potentially skewed allocation of resources and infrastructural development favoring these larger urban areas.

The Variation in Population Sizes

The data reveals a substantial variation in the size of populations among the top ten largest towns, with Bucharest's population being over ten times larger than that of Ploiești, the tenth largest town. This disparity underscores the diverse urban landscape in Romania, ranging from the highly populous capital to smaller, yet significant, urban centers.

Insight into Regional Development and Migration Trends

The substantial population difference between Bucharest and the other major towns could suggest a trend of regional development concentration and internal migration towards the capital for better economic opportunities. Bucharest's role as a magnet for employment, education, and healthcare services might be a contributing factor to its significant population size compared to other towns.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the largest city in Romania by population?

The largest city in Romania by population is Bucharest with 2,162.28 thousand inhabitants.

How does the population of the second-largest city, Iași, compare to that of Bucharest?

Bucharest's population is more than five times larger than Iași, with Iași hosting 393.57 thousand inhabitants.

Terms and Definitions

Population generally refers to all the organisms of the same group or species, which live in a particular geographical area. When talking about human population, it refers to the total number of individuals living in a specified area such as a town or a city.

Demographics is a statistical view of a population, generally including age, gender, income, education, and occupation. It is often used in context to understand the characteristics of a population or subsets of a population.

In demographic terms, density refers to the number of individuals living in a unit area or volume. It's often measured in persons per square kilometer or mile.

Urbanization is the process where an increasing percentage of a country's population comes to live in towns and cities. It is associated with the shift of population from rural to urban areas.

A municipality is a political entity defined by geographical boundaries, which has been incorporated for specific governmental functions. In different countries, municipalities may be referred to as towns, cities, or counties.
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