Morocco: Genocide Risk Rate, by year
Year bracketRisk rate,
in %
  • Region: Morocco
  • Time period: 2017 to 2024
  • Published: Mar 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Apr 9, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Decline in Risk Rate Over Five Years

The risk rate of genocide in Morocco has shown a significant decline over the last five years, dropping from 4.7% in 2020-2021 to 1.2% in 2023-2024. This decrease of 3.5 percentage points indicates a substantial reduction in the perceived risk of such an event occurring.

Comparison of Recent Years

Analyzing the most recent data, there is a noticeable decrease in the risk rate from 1.6% in 2022-2023 to 1.2% in 2023-2024. This 0.4 percentage point reduction suggests an ongoing improvement in the country's stability or in measures to prevent genocide.

Year-on-Year Variability

The data demonstrates notable year-on-year variability in the risk rates, with fluctuations observed throughout the period. Particularly, a sharp increase to 4.7% in 2020-2021 was followed by a steady decrease over subsequent years.

Historical Highs and Lows

The period of 2020-2021 stands out with the highest recorded risk rate of 4.7%, which contrasts starkly with the latest figure of 1.2% in 2023-2024, the lowest in the observed period. This highlights the volatility and potential external factors influencing the risk assessment over time.

Trend of Decrease Post Peak

Following the peak risk rate in 2020-2021, there has been a consistent trend of decreasing risk rates year after year, illustrating an effective response to the factors that led to the 2020-2021 peak. The data underscores a positive trajectory towards minimizing the risk of genocide in Morocco.

Overview of the Last Seven Years

Over the span of seven years, the risk rate of genocide in Morocco has oscillated, yet the overall trajectory points towards a decrease. Starting from 2.9% in 2017-2018 and reaching a low of 1.2% in 2023-2024 underscores a long-term improvement in risk management or geopolitical stability in the region.

Frequently Asked Questions

What was the highest and lowest risk rate of genocide recorded in Morocco?

The highest recorded risk rate in Morocco was 4.7% in 2020-2021, while the lowest was 1.2% in 2023-2024.

What is the overall trend of the risk rate of genocide in Morocco over the past seven years?

Over seven years, the risk rate has fluctuated but overall shows a downward trend, starting from 2.9% in 2017-2018 and reaching a low of 1.2% in 2023-2024.

Terms and Definitions

Genocide is a term used to describe the intentional, systematic destruction of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. The elimination of the targeted group can occur through killing, serious bodily or mental harm, deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction, imposing measures to prevent births within the group or forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

This term refers to the measure of the likelihood or probability that a genocide could occur in a particular region or country. This rate is evaluated based on various factors such as known historical precedents of genocide, the current political, economic, social, and cultural climate, ongoing conflicts, marginalisation of certain groups, and the adherence of the nation's government to human rights principles.

Preventive measures are strategies or actions implemented to decrease the risk of a particular event happening. When talking in the context of genocide, these measures could include diplomatic interventions, enforcing peace treaties, promoting dialogue between conflicting groups, addressing economic disparities and social inequalities that fuel conflict, and ensuring accountability for past violence.

Ethnic cleansing refers to the systematic forced removal or extermination of an ethnic, racial, and/or religious group from a specific geographical area with the intent of creating a region inhabited by people of a single ethnicity, religion, or race. Though often associated with genocide, the main difference lies in the intent - ethnic cleansing does not necessarily aim at the destruction of a group, but rather its expulsion.

Marginalization is a process of pushing a particular group or groups of people to the edge of society by limiting their access to resources and opportunities. This makes it harder for them to improve their social and economic status. In the context of genocide, marginalized groups are often most at risk.

Political instability refers to the propensity for regime or government change, political upheaval, or violence in society, or instability in its decisions. Political instability often contributes to an increased risk of genocide as it can lead to power vacuums, increased conflict, and the scapegoating or targeting of certain groups.

Human rights principles are guiding tenets outlining the treatment deemed acceptable and equitable for individuals or groups by society. They are often protected by laws and are based on values such as dignity, fairness, equality, respect and independence. In the context of genocide, adherence or lack thereof to human rights principles can impact the likelihood of its occurrence.