Mexico: Numbr of Prison Admissions, by type of center
YearLocal PCs,
in 1,000s
Federal PCs,
in 1,000s
  • Region: Mexico
  • Time period: 2017 to 2020
  • Published: 2023

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Apr 15, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Population Increase in Local Penitentiary Centers from 2020 to 2021

Between 2020 and 2021, local penitentiary centers in Mexico experienced a significant increase in population by 11.65 thousand inmates, marking an 11.16% growth. This uptick contrasts sharply with the trend observed from 2019 to 2020, where a slight decrease was noted.

Decline in Federal Penitentiary Center Population

The number of inmates in federal penitentiary centers showed a consistent decline over the years, dropping from 7.94 thousand in 2019 to 3.20 thousand in 2021. This 59.7% reduction over two years highlights a significant shift in the federal prison population dynamics.

Comparison of Local and Federal Penitentiary Populations

In 2021, the population in local penitentiary centers was 116.05 thousand, vastly outnumbering those in federal centers, which stood at only 3.20 thousand. This discrepancy underscores the much larger scale of local versus federal penitentiary systems, with local centers housing 36.27 times more inmates than federal ones.

Yearly Population Trends in Local Centers

The population in local penitentiary centers saw fluctuations over the years, with a notable increase from 101.04 thousand in 2017 to 116.05 thousand in 2021. This overall growth of 14.9% reflects a trend of rising inmate numbers, despite a temporary drop in 2020.

Federal Centers Experience Largest Annual Decrease in 2021

The most substantial annual decrease in the federal penitentiary population occurred between 2020 and 2021, with a reduction of 2.76 thousand inmates. This change represents a 46.31% drop, the steepest year-over-year decline within the observed period.

Initial Increase Followed by Decrease in Federal Centers

Federal penitentiary centers initially saw an increase in inmate numbers, peaking at 7.94 thousand in 2019. However, a subsequent decline brought the population down to 3.20 thousand by 2021, illustrating a reversal in growth trends after reaching the peak.

Consistent Population Growth in Local Centers since 2018

Since 2018, local penitentiary centers have witnessed a consistent increase in their populations, growing from 101.51 thousand to 116.05 thousand inmates by 2021. This growth pattern indicates an ongoing challenge in managing rising inmate numbers within local jurisdictions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What was the trend in inmate population at federal penitentiary centers in recent years?

The inmate population at federal penitentiary centers declined by 59.7%, from 7.94 thousand in 2019 to 3.20 thousand in 2021.

What has been the trend in local penitentiary center populations in recent years?

There has been a 14.9% overall increase from 101.04 thousand in 2017 to 116.05 thousand in 2021, despite a temporary drop in 2020.

Terms and Definitions

This refers to the number of individuals admitted to prison during a specific period, usually expressed as a rate per 100,000 population. It is used as one measure of the extent to which a country uses imprisonment as a means of criminal punishment.

A correctional facility is a place where people are physically confined and, usually, deprived of personal freedoms as a form of punishment after being convicted of crimes. It is a general term that encompasses different types of centers like prisons, jails, detention centers, and others.

A Maximum-Security Prison is a correctional facility designed for prisoners considered dangerous to the public or a high risk of escape. This prison type employs stringent security measures, including reinforced walls and fences, multiple and layered gates, armed guards, surveillance, and controlled movement of prisoners.

A Minimum-Security Prison, often referred to as a "camp," is a facility designed for inmates who pose the least risk to public safety and are deemed unlikely to escape. Security measures in such prisons are less stringent, with more privileges for inmates such as access to recreational and education facilities.

A detention center, or remand center, is a type of short-term prison where people are held pending trial, sentencing, or deportation. The primary purpose of these centers is to temporarily house potentially dangerous or flight-risk persons who are in the process of legal proceedings.

A youth correctional facility is a secure residential facility specifically for young people, typically under the age of 18, who have been convicted of crimes.

The prison system encompasses all correctional facilities within a state or country, including prisons, jails, youth detention facilities, etc. It’s coordinated to maintain security, rehabilitate offenders, and enforce legal sentences.

A convicted criminal refers to a person found guilty by a court of law for a crime they’ve been accused of, leading to their punishment, typically through imprisonment or fines.
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