Household Electricity: Prices, by country
CountryElectricity prices,
in USD per kWh
U.K.United Kingdom0.44
South AfricaSouth Africa0.18
U.S.United States of America0.17
UAEUnited Arab Emirates0.08
Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia0.05
  • Region: Worldwide

  • Time period: Jun 2023
  • Published: 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Apr 8, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Global Disparity in Electricity Prices

Countries experience a wide disparity in household electricity prices, with Qatar having the lowest at $0.03 per kWh and Ireland the highest at $0.52 per kWh. The difference between the highest and the lowest price is significant, showing a 17-fold increase from Qatar to Ireland.

Regional Variations in Electricity Costs

European countries dominate the list of nations with higher electricity prices. Among the top five, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, and Germany have prices ranging from $0.40 to $0.52 per kWh, highlighting the economic pressures on households in these regions due to energy costs.

Economic and Energy Policy Indicators

Electricity prices can serve as indicators of a country's economic status and energy policies. Countries with lower electricity prices, such as Saudi Arabia and Russia, at $0.05 and $0.07 per kWh respectively, often have abundant natural resources and government subsidies that lower the cost of electricity for consumers.

Impact on Renewable Energy Investment

The variation in electricity prices might influence the investment in renewable energy sources. Countries with high electricity costs, like Ireland and Germany, at $0.52 and $0.40 per kWh respectively, might be more incentivized to invest in renewable energy to reduce these costs in the long term.

Affordability and Access to Electricity

Affordability of electricity varies significantly, impacting the quality of life and economic development. For example, countries with lower prices, such as India, China, and the United Arab Emirates, all at $0.08 per kWh, potentially offer their citizens more affordable access to electricity compared to those in higher-priced regions.

Comparison with Global Energy Trends

In 2024, the global trend towards sustainable and renewable energy sources might be affecting electricity prices differently across countries. Nations investing heavily in renewables might see different price trends over time, potentially reducing the gap between countries like Ireland and Qatar in the long term.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which country has the highest electricity price per kilowatt-hour?

The country with the highest electricity price is Ireland, at $0.52 per kilowatt-hour.

Which countries tend to have the lowest electricity prices?

Countries with the lowest electricity prices include Iran, Qatar, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, and Russia, all having prices under $0.08 per kilowatt-hour.

How do national energy policies and resources impact electricity prices?

Countries with abundant energy resources or aggressive energy subsidies, like Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, and Iran, tend to have lower electricity prices, showing the influence of national energy policies and resources on consumer prices.

Terms and Definitions

Household electricity refers to electric energy consumed by residential dwellings for appliances, lighting, heating, and cooling systems. It is typically generated by power plants and delivered to homes via an electrical grid.

Electricity prices are the cost paid by consumers for the consumption of electricity. These prices can vary greatly by region, depending on factors like generation costs, transmission and distribution costs, taxes, and market conditions.

A tariff in the context of electricity refers to the pricing structure that utilities companies charge their customers for the use of electricity. It can include fixed charges as well as variable charges based on the volume of electricity used.

The electricity market is a system where electric power is bought and sold. It includes the generation, distribution, and retailing of electricity, and its operations are usually overseen by a regulatory body.

An energy supplier is a company that generates or purchases electricity which it sells to consumers. These suppliers can operate in regulated markets where prices are controlled by government bodies, or in deregulated markets where prices are determined by supply and demand.

The distribution grid is part of the electric power transmission system that delivers electricity from the power plant to individual consumers. It includes power lines, transformers and substations which are used to transport and distribute electricity.

Kilowatt hour (kWh) is a standard unit of electrical energy equivalent to one kilowatt of power used for one hour. It is commonly used as a billing unit for energy delivered to consumers.

Power plants are facilities where energy is generated. This can be through various means such as burning fossil fuels (coal, natural gas), using renewable resources (wind, solar), or through nuclear reactions.

A renewable energy source is a source of energy that replenishes naturally and quickly, like sunlight, wind, water, and bioenergy. These sources are considered environmentally friendly as they generally release less harmful greenhouse gases.