Health: Perception of Personal Weight, by country
CountryVery good/quite good,
in %
Quite poor/very poor,
in %
Ivory CoastIvory Coast8215
South KoreaSouth Korea7822
Hong KongHong Kong6831
U.S.United States of America6533
  • Region: Worldwide
  • Time period: Oct 9 to Dec 10, 2022
  • Published: Apr 2023

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Mar 27, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Perception of Personal Weight in Vietnam Compared to Other Countries

Vietnam leads globally with 95% of adults viewing their weight in a very good or quite good light, the highest percentage among all countries surveyed. This contrasts sharply with Kenya, where only 41% of adults perceive their weight positively, marking the lowest percentage. The substantial difference of 54 percentage points between the highest and lowest positive perception rates underscores significant cultural or societal disparities in weight perception across countries.

Positive vs. Negative Weight Perceptions in High vs. Low Ranking Countries

Countries like Pakistan (87%), Nigeria (85%), and India (84%) follow Vietnam closely, with more than 84% of adults viewing their weight positively. Conversely, in Peru, a mere 49% view their weight positively, aligning closely with Kenya's low perception rate. This comparison highlights a divide in weight perception satisfaction, with countries at the lower end of the spectrum having nearly as many adults viewing their weight negatively as positively.

Perception Trends in Asian Countries

Asian countries show a wide variance in weight perception, from Vietnam's high of 95% to Japan's 57%, indicating diverse attitudes towards weight across the continent. South Korea and Hong Kong, with 78% and 68% positive perceptions respectively, illustrate the range of weight satisfaction levels in Asia, suggesting differing health, cultural, and societal standards influencing personal weight views.

Comparison of Perception in North America

In North America, Canada and the United States show similar levels of weight perception, with 66% of Canadians and 65% of Americans viewing their weight positively. Both countries have a 33% rate of negative weight perception, indicating a shared perspective on weight across the North American continent, despite the United States' often discussed obesity issues.

European Countries' Varied Perceptions

European nations exhibit a range of perceptions, from Serbia's 73% positive view down to Greece's 63%, with negative perceptions in Greece reaching 37%. This variance highlights differing societal norms and possibly varying levels of public health emphasis across Europe regarding weight management and perception.

Distinct Perception Gap Between Top and Bottom Countries

The gap between the country with the highest positive perception, Vietnam, and the lowest, Kenya, is 54 percentage points, a stark contrast that reflects not only cultural differences but potentially differing health education, nutrition, and societal norms around body image.

High Negative Perceptions in Specific Countries

Countries like Peru and Kenya stand out for their high percentage of negative weight perceptions, at 50% and 44% respectively. These figures are notably higher than those in countries with more balanced views, pointing to significant concerns about obesity or underweight issues in these populations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some patterns in weight perception in Asian countries?

Asian countries show a wide disparity in weight perception, from Vietnam's high of 95% to Japan's 57%, indicating diverse attitudes towards weight across the continent.

How does North America's perception of weight compare?

66% of Canadians and 65% of Americans view their weight positively, indicating a shared perspective on weight across the North American continent.

What is the gap between the highest and lowest positive perceptions of weight among all countries?

The gap between the country with the highest positive perception, Vietnam, and the lowest, Kenya, is 54 percentage points.

Terms and Definitions

Personal weight refers to the weight of an individual in terms of kilogram or pound. It is usually linked to health parameters and body mass index calculations, with its perception being a matter of individual and societal viewpoints on what constitutes a 'normal' or 'healthy' weight.

Perception of personal weight signifies an individual's personal understanding, interpretation, and attitudes towards their own body weight. It is influenced by various factors including societal norms, media influence, and mental health conditions.

Body mass index, also known as BMI, is a standard measurement used to assess the status of a person’s body weight. It is calculated by dividing a person's weight in kilograms by their height in meters squared. It is an internationally recognized measure used to categorize weight status as underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obese.

Body image refers to how individuals perceive, think, and feel about their bodies, including characteristics such as their weight and shape. Let it be known that a person's body image may not be aligned with their actual physical appearance.

Body dissatisfaction refers to a negative subjective evaluation of one’s own body. This can be in terms of its shape, size, tone, and weight. It's a psychological challenge often linked to low self-esteem, depression, and dangerous weight control behaviors.

Weight stigma, also known as weight bias or weight-based discrimination, refers to the prejudice and discrimination faced by individuals because of their weight. It can be a powerful societal factor impacting perception of personal weight.

Obesity is a medical condition characterized by the excess accumulation of body fat. It is generally measured and defined using the Body Mass Index (BMI). An individual with a BMI greater than or equal to 30 is typically categorized as obese. Obesity is associated with various health risks including heart diseases, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
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