Goldman Sachs: Lobbying Expenses, by year
YearLobbying expenditure,
in million USD
  • Region: United States
  • Time period: 1998 to 2023
  • Published: Mar 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Apr 14, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Spike in Lobbying Expenditure in 2023

Goldman Sachs experienced a significant increase in its lobbying expenditure to 4.69 million USD in 2023, marking the highest annual spend since 2010. This represents almost a 100% increase from the 2.36 million USD spent in 2022, indicating a strategic intensification of its lobbying efforts.

Trends Over Two Decades

Over the last two decades, lobbying expenditure by Goldman Sachs has shown a remarkable uptrend, growing from just 0.50 million USD in 1998 and 2000 to reaching peaks above 4 million USD in 2010, 2011, and 2023. The year-over-year growth illustrates Goldman Sachs's increasing investment in influencing policy and regulation.

Stable Expenditure Phase Between 2016 and 2018

Between 2016 and 2018, Goldman Sachs maintained a relatively stable lobbying expenditure, each year marking around 3.22 to 3.25 million USD. This stability suggests a period of consistent lobbying strategy before the fluctuations in the subsequent years.

Significant Increases Post-2000

A significant surge in lobbying activities began after 2000, with the expenditure increasing from 0.50 million USD in 2000 to 1.10 million USD by 2003. The early 2000s marked a pivotal expansion in Goldman Sachs's lobbying efforts, reflecting an over 100% increase in just three years.

Decrease in Expenditure After the Financial Crisis

Following the financial crisis, Goldman Sachs's lobbying expenditure saw a decrease, dropping from 4.61 million USD in 2010 to 2.83 million USD in 2009. This 38% reduction could be indicative of strategic reallocation of resources or changes in political engagement strategy during economic downturns.

Recovery and Increase Post-Financial Crisis

After the dip in 2009, lobbying expenditure recovered sharply, rising back to 4.61 million USD in 2010. The rapid rebound demonstrates Goldman Sachs's agility in resuming its lobbying efforts post-crisis, underscoring the importance of political engagement in its business strategy.

Comparison of Expenditure Peaks

The peak expenditures in 2010 and 2023, at 4.61 million USD and 4.69 million USD respectively, highlight significant moments of increased lobbying activity. These peaks may correlate with specific legislative or regulatory environments necessitating heightened advocacy efforts.

Lowest and Initial Expenditures

The initial years of the dataset, specifically 1998 and 2000, recorded the lowest lobbying expenditures at 0.50 million USD. These figures mark the baseline from which Goldman Sachs's lobbying activities have grown, providing a stark contrast to the later years' increased expenditures.

Frequently Asked Questions

How has Goldman Sachs' lobbying expenditure trended over the past two decades?

Goldman Sachs' lobbying expenditure has significantly increased over the past two decades, from 0.50 million USD in 1998 and 2000, to peaks above 4 million USD in 2010, 2011, and 2023.

Terms and Definitions

Goldman Sachs is a multinational investment bank and financial services company that provides services in various areas including investment banking, securities, investment management, and consumer banking. Its headquarters are in the United States but the company operates globally, serving both corporate and individual clients.

Lobbying is the act of influencing decisions made by government officials, most often legislators or members of regulatory agencies. Lobbyists, typically representing businesses, professional associations, or political groups, may use various forms of advocacy with the goal of influencing public policy and decision-making to be more accommodating to their interests or their clients' interests.

Public policy refers to the set of laws, regulations, actions, and decisions undertaken by a government or a decision-making body within a government. These policies are usually used to address a wide range of societal issues and concerns, and are generally created and implemented with the objective of achieving a beneficial outcome or solution.

Regulatory agencies are government bodies responsible for controlling and supervising certain aspects or sectors of the economy, often by enforcing laws, regulations, and standards. They often serve to protect citizens, maintain business competition, and assist in market stability.
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Lobbying is the act of influencing decisions made by officials in the government, where lobbyist professionals use their resources and networks to sway public policy or funding decisions. Read more »