France: Age at Same-Sex Marriages, by gender
in years
in years
  • Region: France
  • Time period: 2013 to 2023
  • Published: Jan 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Mar 27, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Decline in average age for women entering same-sex marriages

Between 2013 and 2023, the average age of women entering same-sex marriages in France showed a consistent decline, from 43.0 years to 39.4 years. This trend indicates a shift towards younger women choosing to marry, reflecting a 3.6-year decrease over the decade.

Stability in men's average age at marriage

Contrastingly, the average age of men entering same-sex marriages remained relatively stable during the same period, fluctuating slightly around a mean value. It peaked at 49.8 years in 2013 but then stabilized, with a slight decrease to 44.7 years by 2023. This demonstrates a 5.1-year decrease, suggesting a gradual but less pronounced change in the demographics of men marrying.

Narrowing age gap between genders

The age gap between men and women at the time of entering same-sex marriages has narrowed significantly over the years. In 2013, the gap was 6.8 years, with men marrying at an older age compared to women. By 2023, this difference had reduced to 5.3 years, indicating a convergence in the marriage ages of same-sex couples across genders.

Highest average age for both genders in the initial year

The data reveals that 2013, the year same-sex marriage was legalized in France, had the highest average marriage ages for both genders: 43.0 years for women and 49.8 years for men. This spike could suggest an initial rush by older couples to marry following the change in law.

Men consistently older than women at marriage

Throughout the eleven-year span, men entering same-sex marriages were consistently older than their female counterparts. The average age difference, while narrowing, highlights ongoing demographic differences in same-sex marriage patterns between genders.

Recent stabilization in age trends

In the most recent years, from 2020 to 2023, the average ages at marriage have shown signs of stabilization, especially for men, whose average age fluctuated minimally between 44.3 and 44.7 years. Women's average age also stabilized, with a slight variation between 37.6 and 39.4 years, suggesting a potential leveling off in the age trends of same-sex marriages.

Frequently Asked Questions

What has been the trend in the average age of women entering same-sex marriages between 2013 and 2023?

The average age of women entering same-sex marriages in France decreased from 43.0 years in 2013 to 39.4 years in 2023, a 3.6-year decrease over the decade.

How has the average age of men entering same-sex marriages changed during the same period?

The average age of men peaked at 49.8 years in 2013 and declined to 44.7 years by 2023, demonstrating a 5.1-year decrease.

How has the age gap between men and women entering same-sex marriages evolved over time?

The age gap between men and women narrowed from 6.8 years in 2013 to 5.3 years in 2023.

Terms and Definitions

Same-sex marriage refers to a legally or socially recognized marriage between two individuals of the same gender or sex. This form of marriage can provide the couple with the same legal benefits and responsibilities that are offered to heterosexual couples.

A heterosexual couple is a partnership wherein the individuals are of opposite genders or sexes. Traditionally, most societies have placed significant recognition and emphasis on heterosexual couplings, often in the context of marriage.

Legal benefits of marriage can be numerous and may vary depending on the jurisdiction, but often include rights such as filing joint tax returns, receiving spousal or bereavement benefits, getting coverage on a spouse's health or life insurance, and more. These rights are typically intended to facilitate a secure and verified stature to the couple from legal as well as social perspectives.

Marital age refers to the age at which a person is legally allowed to get married. This age can vary depending on the country, culture, and even gender of the individual. In some cases, exceptions to this age can be granted with parental consent or court approval.

Gender refers to the roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a society considers appropriate for men and women. It is a social construct and differs from the term 'sex', which refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that distinguish males from females.

In biological terms, sex refers to the physiological and genetic characteristics that distinguish males from females. These features can include aspects such as reproductive organs, chromosomes, and secondary sexual traits.

Legal recognition of same-sex marriage refers to the acceptance of marriage between two individuals of the same sex in a legal context. This recognition grants the same-sex couple the same rights, protections, and responsibilities that heterosexual couples have under the law.

Spousal benefits are the rights and advantages granted to a person based on their legal marriage to their spouse. These may include health care benefits, tax benefits, social security benefits, and legal protections.