Finland: Number of Sterilizations, by gender
  • Region: Finland
  • Time period: 1990 to 2022
  • Published: Jun 2023

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Apr 13, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Decline in Female Sterilizations Over Three Decades

Sterilizations among females in Finland have seen a significant decrease, from 12,864 cases in 1990 to just 853 cases in 2022. This sharp decline over 32 years highlights a major shift in reproductive health choices or policies within the country.

Trend in Male Sterilizations Compared to Females

While female sterilizations dramatically decreased, male sterilizations initially increased, peaking at 3,030 cases in 2019, before reducing to 2,066 cases in 2022. Despite the recent decrease, the number of male sterilizations remains significantly higher than that of females in recent years.

Highest Number of Sterilizations Recorded in 1996 for Females

The data reveals the highest number of female sterilizations occurred in 1996, with 12,561 cases. This peak represents the most significant year for female sterilizations within the provided dataset.

Steady Decrease in Sterilizations Since 2000

Since the year 2000, both male and female sterilizations have consistently declined. Female sterilizations dropped from 8,700 cases in 2000 to 853 cases in 2022, while male sterilizations decreased from 1,772 cases to 2,066 cases in the same period, showing a brief increase before following the overall downward trend.

Comparison of Sterilization Trends Between Genders Over Time

Over the span of the data, female sterilizations have experienced a more significant decrease compared to males. The reduction in female sterilizations outpaces that of males, especially when considering the peak years for each gender (1996 for females and 2019 for males).

Major Shift in Sterilization Preferences Since the 1990s

The data suggests a major shift in sterilization preferences or accessibility in Finland since the early 1990s. Initially, female sterilizations vastly outnumbered male sterilizations, with a ratio of approximately 25:1 in 1995. However, by 2022, the ratio had shifted dramatically, with male sterilizations outnumbering female sterilizations by more than 2:1.

Notable Increase in Male Sterilizations in the Early 2000s

Male sterilizations saw a notable increase in the early 2000s, jumping from 505 cases in 1992 to a peak of 3,030 cases by 2019. This upward trend, although it has since reversed, indicates a period of growing acceptance or preference for male sterilization procedures.

Record Low Sterilization Numbers in 2022

The year 2022 marked the record low for sterilizations for both genders within the dataset, with 853 female and 2,066 male sterilizations. This significant reduction could indicate changes in societal attitudes, medical practices, or policy influences in recent years.

Frequently Asked Questions

What has been the trend in female sterilizations in Finland over the last three decades?

Female sterilizations in Finland have significantly decreased, from 12,864 cases in 1990 to only 853 cases in 2022.

How does the trend in male sterilizations compare to females?

Male sterilizations initially increased, peaking at 3,030 cases in 2019, then decreased to 2,066 cases in 2022, remaining higher than female sterilizations in recent years.

When was the highest number of female sterilizations recorded?

The highest number of female sterilizations was recorded in 1996 with 12,561 cases.

Terms and Definitions

Sterilization refers to a medical procedure that permanently prevents an individual from being able to reproduce. It can be done through various methods and can be performed on both males and females. This procedure is often undertaken voluntarily by those who do not wish to have children, but in some instances, it can also be mandated by governmental policies or norms.

Male sterilization, also known as vasectomy, is a surgical procedure where the vas deferens, the tubes that carry sperm, are cut, tied, or otherwise sealed. This prevents sperm from reaching the semen that is ejaculated from the penis, thus making a man unable to cause a pregnancy.

Female sterilization is a procedure that closes or blocks a woman's fallopian tubes so that eggs cannot reach the uterus for fertilization. Methods commonly include tubal ligation or having a small device placed in the tubes. It is an elective procedure often used as a form of long-term birth control.

Informed consent is a process for getting permission before conducting a healthcare procedure on a person, ensuring they are aware of the potential risks and benefits. It is fundamental in both law and medical ethics, providing individuals with autonomy over what happens to their bodies.

Compulsory sterilization refers to government policies that force specific populations to undergo sterilization, without the freedom of choice. These policies have historically targeted marginalized communities and are considered a significant violation of human rights.

Coercive sterilization refers to situations where people are pressured into agreeing to the procedure under duress or manipulation. Unlike compulsory sterilization, it may not be explicitly enforced by the government, but can be the result of institutional pressures, societal norms or discriminatory practices.

Voluntary sterilization is a sterilization performed by choice, without any external pressures or forces. Individuals who choose to undergo these procedures often do so for personal reasons, such as not wanting to have children or health risks associated with pregnancy.
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