Economy: Lowest GDP per capita, by country
CountryGDP per capita,
in USD
Sierra LeoneSierra Leone414.96
South SudanSouth Sudan417.44
Central African RepublicCentral African Republic539.24
DR CongoDR Congo675.48
Burkina FasoBurkina Faso888.03
The GambiaThe Gambia903.29
  • Region: Worldwide
  • Time period: 2023
  • Published: Oct 2023

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Mar 27, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Burundi has the lowest GDP per capita

Burundi stands out with the lowest GDP per capita among the listed countries, at only $245.81, significantly below the next closest, Sierra Leone, with $414.96.

Top three countries by lowest GDP per capita

The countries with the lowest GDP per capita are Burundi at $245.81, Sierra Leone at $414.96, and South Sudan at $417.44, highlighting a stark disparity in economic conditions within this group.

GDP per capita range spans over $700

The range between the highest and lowest GDP per capita within these countries is over $700, with Burundi at the lowest with $245.81 and Rwanda at the highest with $1031.69.

African continent dominates the list

Every country listed is located in Africa, showcasing the continent's challenge with low GDP per capita, where even the highest, Rwanda, has a GDP per capita of only $1031.69.

Countries with GDP per capita under $500

Four countries have GDP per capita under $500: Burundi, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, and Madagascar, indicating extreme economic challenges.

GDP per capita over $1000 in only two countries

Only Guinea-Bissau and Rwanda have GDP per capita figures over $1000, with $1028.22 and $1031.69 respectively, barely crossing the threshold.

Sub-Saharan countries feature prominently

All countries on the list are from Sub-Saharan Africa, reflecting the region's widespread economic hardships, with even the best-performing country, Rwanda, having a modest GDP per capita of $1031.69.

Economic disparity within the lowest GDP per capita countries

The disparity between the lowest (Burundi at $245.81) and the highest (Rwanda at $1031.69) GDP per capita among these countries suggests significant economic differences even within this low-income group.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which country has the lowest GDP per capita?

The country with the lowest GDP per capita is Burundi, at only $245.81.

What are the top three countries with the lowest GDP per capita?

The top three countries with the lowest GDP per capita are Burundi at $245.81, Sierra Leone at $414.96, and South Sudan at $417.44.

What is the scope of the GDP per capita range among the listed countries?

The GDP per capita range among these countries spans over $700, with Burundi having the lowest and Rwanda the highest GDP per capita.

How many countries have GDP per capita over $1000?

Only two countries, Guinea-Bissau and Rwanda, have GDP per capita figures over $1000.

Terms and Definitions

Gross Domestic Product, abbreviated as GDP, is the total value of all goods and services that are produced by a country within a specific period of time. It serves as a comprehensive measure of a nation’s overall economic activity.

GDP per capita is a measure of the total output of a country that takes the gross domestic product (GDP) and divides it by the number of people in the country. It provides a per-person view of the average economic output or living standards of a particular country.

Economic activity refers to actions that involve the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services in an economy. It's an overall measure of how businesses and households in a country are doing economically.

Living standards refer to the amount and quality of material goods and services available to an individual, group, or nation, including basic material needs and other comforts and luxuries. It is often measured by GDP per capita among other economic and social indicators.

Per capita, a Latin term that translates into "by head," basically means "per person." It is a term that is commonly used in statistics, economics, and business to show data on a per-person basis, allowing for a more accurate comparison of data between different populations.

An economy is a system of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It is a complex system that involves interactions between people, businesses, and governments. Economies can be measured and compared in various ways, including by GDP.

Lowest estimated GDP per capita refers to the countries with the smallest GDP when divided by their respective population counts. These countries typically have low economic activity and, often, lower living standards.

The poverty line refers to the minimum level of income deemed adequate in a given country. Anyone below this threshold is considered poor. It is often used to measure the extent of poverty in a country.

Economic indicators are statistical measurements used to gauge the growth, decline, and overall health of an economy. They are often used in economic analysis and policymaking. Examples include GDP, inflation rates, and unemployment rates.