China: Population Growth Rate, by year
YearYear-on-year change,
in %
  • Region: China
  • Time period: 2000 to 2023
  • Published: Jan 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Apr 3, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Decline in Population Growth Rate in Recent Years

Between 2020 and 2023, China experienced a marked decline in its population growth rate, transitioning from a positive growth rate of 0.15% in 2020 to a negative growth rate of -0.15% by 2023. The gradual decrease over these years indicates a significant shift in demographic trends, emphasizing the urgency for policy adjustments to address potential socioeconomic implications.

Historical Highs in Early 2000s

The population growth rate in China saw its peak in the early 2000s, with the year 2000 showcasing a growth rate of 0.76%. A comparison with the negative growth rate of -0.15% in 2023 underscores a dramatic reversal over two decades, highlighting the evolving demographic challenges facing the nation.

Transition to Negative Population Growth

By 2022, China's population growth rate began showing signs of decline, ultimately reaching negative territory in 2023 with a rate of -0.15%. This transition to a shrinking population underscores potential long-term impacts on the labor force, economic growth, and social support systems, necessitating strategic planning and intervention.

Varied Growth Rates Indicate Fluctuating Demographic Patterns

Analysis from 2000 to 2023 reveals fluctuating demographic patterns, with growth rates oscillating from a high of 0.76% to a low of -0.15%. These fluctuations indicate varied influences over time, such as policy changes, economic factors, and social attitudes towards family planning.

Consistent Decrease in Growth Rate Over Recent Years

A consistent decrease in the year-on-year population growth rate has been observed from 2016 onwards, starting from 0.65% and reaching the negative rate of -0.15% by 2023. This trend suggests a steady shift in population dynamics, emphasizing the need for adaptive measures in societal, economic, and policy domains.

Frequently Asked Questions

What was the peak growth rate of China's population and when was it observed?

The peak population growth rate in China was observed in 2000, with a rate of 0.76%.

When did China start experiencing negative population growth rate and what was the rate?

China started experiencing negative population growth in 2023, with a rate of -0.15%.

What has been the trend in China's population growth rate in recent years?

From 2016 to 2023, China has seen a consistent decrease in its population growth rate, starting at 0.65% and reaching a negative rate of -0.15% by 2023.

Terms and Definitions

Population growth rate refers to the increase (or decrease) in the number of individuals in a population over a specific period, typically expressed as a percentage of the initial population. This is usually calculated over a yearly basis. The rate is influenced by several factors such as birth rate, death rate, immigration, and emigration.

Birth rate is a demographic measure of the number of live births per 1,000 individuals in a population in a given year. It is a principal factor that significantly influences the population growth rate.

Death rate is the number of deaths per 1,000 individuals in a population in a specific year. High death rates can result in a slowdown or decrease in population growth, while lower death rates can contribute to an increase in population growth.

Demographics refer to the statistical characteristics of a population. These characteristics may include age, gender, income level, marital status, employment status, education level, and other related factors. Demographics are used for a wide range of social, economic, and marketing research purposes.

Immigration is the act of moving into a new country to live there permanently. When people immigrate to a country, they add to the total population of that nation, therefore affecting its population growth rate.

Emigration is the act of leaving one's original country to settle in another. Emigration results in a decrease in the population of the original country, thus impacting its population growth rate in a negative manner.

The net migration rate is the difference between the number of immigrants (people coming into an area) and the number of emigrants (people leaving the area) over a defined period, per 1,000 individuals. This rate can affect the overall population size and growth rate of a country.

Fertility rate is the average number of children born to a woman over her lifetime if she were to survive from birth to the end of her child-bearing years. This rate is one of the key indicators influencing a country's population growth rate.