Rhode Island, USA

Rhode Island, USA

Geographic Properties

Total Area: 1212 mi² (2002 estimate)
Land Area: 1044 mi² (2002 estimate)
Water Area: 168.5 mi² (2002 estimate)
Farmland Area: 67800 acres (2002 estimate)
Mean Elevation: 360.9 ft (2002 estimate)
Highest Point: Jerimoth Hill, 813.6 ft (2002 estimate)
Lowest Point: Atlantic Ocean, 0 ft (2002 estimate)


Population: 1.096 million people
Population Growth: -0.1% per year (2010-2012 estimate)
Population Density: 904 people/mi²
Annual Deaths: 11967 people/yr
Annual Births: 9717 people/yr
Race Distribution:
- White: 80.5%
- Black/African American: 6.8%
- Other: 5.5%
Hispanic Origin: 15.4%
US Citizens: 94.1%

Economic Properties

Gross State Product (GSP) : $66.57 billion/yr
Fraction of US GDP: 0.2855% (2021 estimate, 44th highest US state)
Civilian Unemployment Rate: 2.8% (July 2023 estimate, 29th highest US state)
Nonfarm Employment: 493600 people (July 2023 estimate, 44th highest US state)
Civilian Labor Force: 570309 people (July 2023 estimate, 44th highest US state)
Nonfarm Employment by Industry:
- Private industries: 438300 people (87.8%, 44th highest US state)
- Government: 61000 people (12.2%, 49th highest US state)
- Total: 499300 people (100%, 44th highest US state) (July 2023 estimate)
Median Household Income: $67167.00/yr (2021 estimate, 17th highest US state)
Per Capita Personal Income: $64376/yr/person (2021 estimate, 17th highest US state)
Per Capita Income: $36121/yr/person (14th highest US state)
Poverty Rate: 12.4% (30th highest US state)
Housing Starts (Total Units) : 65 units/month (July 2023 estimate, 49th highest US state)
Home Ownership Rate: 65.8% (2022 estimate, 38th highest US state)
Median Home Listing Price: $525500.00 (April 2023 estimate, 13th highest US state)
Health Insurance Coverage:
- Insured population: 87.7% (907959 people, 15th highest US state)
- Uninsured population: 12.3% (127703 people, 35th highest US state) (2012 estimate) +


Highest Educational Attainment (for population age 25 and older) :
- Master's degree and above: 101968 people
- Associate degree to Bachelor's degree: 211893 people
- Some college, no degree: 132485 people
- High school graduate: 208387 people
- 9th to 12th grade, no diploma: 45027 people
- Pre-K to 8th grade: 26711 people
- No formal schooling: 10729 people
(2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-year estimates)

School Enrollment (for population age 3 and older) :
- Graduate or professional school: 16034 people
- Undergraduate school: 75981 people
- Pre-K to 12th grade: 165402 people
- Total school enrollment: 257417 people
(2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-year estimates)

Business Information

Number of Businesses: 96822 (2007 estimate)
Nonemployer Businesses: 71934 (2010 estimate)
Private Non-farm Businesses: 28521 (2010 estimate)
Business Ownership by Ethnicity:
- White: 88.2%
- Hispanic: 6%
- Black: 3.3%
- Asian: 2.1%
- Amerindian: 0.4%
- Pacific Islander: 0%
Business Ownership by Gender:
- Male: 72.7%
- Female: 27.3%
All statistics
U.S.: Minimum Wage Rates, by state
U.S.: Minimum Wage Rates, by state
Minimum wages in the United States vary greatly from state to state, with some locations offering significantly higher rates compared to the federal baseline, directly impacting the livelihoods of countless American workers.
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