Rhode Island, USA

Rhode Island, USA

Geographic Properties

Total Area: 1212 mi² (2002 estimate)
Land Area: 1044 mi² (2002 estimate)
Water Area: 168.5 mi² (2002 estimate)
Farmland Area: 67800 acres (2002 estimate)
Mean Elevation: 360.9 ft (2002 estimate)
Highest Point: Jerimoth Hill, 813.6 ft (2002 estimate)
Lowest Point: Atlantic Ocean, 0 ft (2002 estimate)


Population: 1.096 million people
Population Growth: -0.1% per year (2010-2012 estimate)
Population Density: 904 people/mi²
Annual Deaths: 11967 people/yr
Annual Births: 9717 people/yr
Race Distribution:
- White: 80.5%
- Black/African American: 6.8%
- Other: 5.5%
Hispanic Origin: 15.4%
US Citizens: 94.1%

Economic Properties

Gross State Product (GSP) : $66.57 billion/yr
Fraction of US GDP: 0.2855% (2021 estimate, 44th highest US state)
Civilian Unemployment Rate: 2.8% (July 2023 estimate, 29th highest US state)
Nonfarm Employment: 493600 people (July 2023 estimate, 44th highest US state)
Civilian Labor Force: 570309 people (July 2023 estimate, 44th highest US state)
Nonfarm Employment by Industry:
- Private industries: 438300 people (87.8%, 44th highest US state)
- Government: 61000 people (12.2%, 49th highest US state)
- Total: 499300 people (100%, 44th highest US state) (July 2023 estimate)
Median Household Income: $67167.00/yr (2021 estimate, 17th highest US state)
Per Capita Personal Income: $64376/yr/person (2021 estimate, 17th highest US state)
Per Capita Income: $36121/yr/person (14th highest US state)
Poverty Rate: 12.4% (30th highest US state)
Housing Starts (Total Units) : 65 units/month (July 2023 estimate, 49th highest US state)
Home Ownership Rate: 65.8% (2022 estimate, 38th highest US state)
Median Home Listing Price: $525500.00 (April 2023 estimate, 13th highest US state)
Health Insurance Coverage:
- Insured population: 87.7% (907959 people, 15th highest US state)
- Uninsured population: 12.3% (127703 people, 35th highest US state) (2012 estimate) +


Highest Educational Attainment (for population age 25 and older) :
- Master's degree and above: 101968 people
- Associate degree to Bachelor's degree: 211893 people
- Some college, no degree: 132485 people
- High school graduate: 208387 people
- 9th to 12th grade, no diploma: 45027 people
- Pre-K to 8th grade: 26711 people
- No formal schooling: 10729 people
(2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-year estimates)

School Enrollment (for population age 3 and older) :
- Graduate or professional school: 16034 people
- Undergraduate school: 75981 people
- Pre-K to 12th grade: 165402 people
- Total school enrollment: 257417 people
(2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-year estimates)

Business Information

Number of Businesses: 96822 (2007 estimate)
Nonemployer Businesses: 71934 (2010 estimate)
Private Non-farm Businesses: 28521 (2010 estimate)
Business Ownership by Ethnicity:
- White: 88.2%
- Hispanic: 6%
- Black: 3.3%
- Asian: 2.1%
- Amerindian: 0.4%
- Pacific Islander: 0%
Business Ownership by Gender:
- Male: 72.7%
- Female: 27.3%
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