Iowa, USA

Iowa, USA

Basic Information

Full Name: State of Iowa
Capital: Des Moines
Joined Union: December 28, 1846 (176 years ago)

Population (2021)

Total Population: 3.193 million people
Population Growth: +0.45% per year (2010-12)
Population Density: 56.74 people/mi²
Annual Deaths: 35,538 people/yr
Annual Births: 35,771 people/yr


- White: 90%
- Black/African American: 3.7%
- Asian: 2.4%
Hispanic Origin: 6%
US Citizens: 96.8%

Educational Attainment (for population age 25 and older)

College Degree and Above: 40.1% (0.988 × national average)
High School Diploma: 31% (1.15 × national average)
Less Than High School Diploma: 7.9% (0.659 × national average)

Geographic Properties (2002)

Total Area: 56,270 mi²
Land Area: 55,860 mi²
Water Area: 415.7 mi²
Farmland Area: 30.7 million acres
Mean Elevation: 1,115 ft
Highest Point: Hawkeye Point, 1,670 ft
Lowest Point: Mississippi River, 479 ft

Housing (2011)

Housing Units: 1.341 million
Housing Units Change: +97,066 (2000-07)
Housing Units Change Rate: +1.1% per year (2000-07)
Households: 1.219 million
People per Household: 2.505 people (2010)

Economic Properties

Number of Businesses (2007) : 259,931
Nonemployer Businesses (2010) : 201,448
Private Non-farm Businesses (2010) : 80,801

Income Statistics

Median Household Income (USD per year) : $60,523 (0.963 × national average)
Per Capita Income (USD per year per person) : $32,176 (0.943 × national average)
Population Below Poverty Line: 11.5% (0.853 × national average)

Crime Statistics (2019)

Total Rate of Crime (crimes/100,000 people/yr) : 2,000
Total Number of Crimes per Year: 63,109

Voting and Registration Rates (2020)

Total Voting Rate: 68.5%
Total Registration Rate: 73.8%

Public School Finance Information (2020)

Total Expenditures (USD) : $5.514 billion ($11,308 per student)
Total Revenue (USD) : $5.527 billion ($11,337 per student, 2009)
Total Debt (USD) : $2.174 billion ($4,460 per student)
Total Cash and Securities (USD) : $1.939 billion ($3,978 per student)

State Symbols

State Bird: Eastern goldfinch (Carduelis tristis)
State Flower: Wild prairie rose (Rosa arkansana)
State Tree: Oak tree (Quercus)
State Motto: Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain
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