Full Name: District of Columbia Capital: Washington
Geographic Properties
Total Area: 68.34 mi² Land Area: 61.05 mi² Water Area: 7.292 mi² Farmland Area: 0 acres Mean Elevation: 164 ft Highest Point: Tenleytown, 410.1 ft Lowest Point: Potomac River, 0 ft
Population (2021) : 670,050 people Population Growth (2010-12) : +2.55% per year Population Density: 9805 people/mi² Race Distribution: - Black/African American: 46.3% - White: 41.3% - Other: 5% Hispanic Origin: 11% US Citizens: 92.3%
College Degree and Above (25 and older) : 61.5% (1.51 × national average) High School Diploma (25 and older) : 16.8% (0.625 × national average) Less Than High School Diploma (25 and older) : 9.1% (0.756 × national average)
Housing Units (2011) : 298,902 Housing Units Change (2000-07) : +9,376 Housing Units Change Rate (2000-07) : +0.49% per year Households (2011) : 260,136 People per Household (2010) : 2.338 people
Number of Businesses (2007) : 55,887 Nonemployer Businesses (2010) : 46,010 Private Non-farm Businesses (2010) : 21,502 Median Household Income: $86,420.00 per year (1.38 × national average) Per Capita Income: $56,147 per year per person (1.65 × national average) Population Below Poverty Line: 16.2% (1.21 × national average)
Crime (2019)
Total Rate of Crime: 5416 crimes/100,000 people/yr Total Number of Crimes: 38,224 crimes per year
Voting and Registration Rates (2020)
Total Voting Rate: 77.8% Total Registration Rate: 80.5%
Public School Finance Information (2020)
Total Expenditures: $805.4 million ($18,167 per student) Total Revenue: $801 million ($18,069 per student)
State Symbols
State Bird: Wood thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) State Flower: American beauty rose (Rosa) State Tree: Scarlett oak (Quercus) State Motto: Justitia omnibus
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