

Geographic Properties

Continent: Europe
Total Area: 195124 mi² (World Rank: 52nd)
Land Area: 192657 mi² (World Rank: 52nd)
Bordering Countries/Regions: Andorra, France, Gibraltar, Morocco, Portugal


Population: 47.5 million people (2023 estimate, World Rank: 32nd)
Population Density: 245 people/mi² (2021 estimate, World Rank: 121st)
Population Growth: 0.376 %/yr (2021 estimate, World Rank: 162nd)
Life Expectancy: 83.7 years (2020 estimate, World Rank: 7th)
Median Age: 43.9 years (2021 estimate, World Rank: 16th)

Cultural Properties

Languages: Spanish (92%), Catalan (7.9%), Galician (5%), Arabic (1.7%)
Ethnic Mix: Spanish (89.9%), other (3.6%), Moroccans (1.7%), Romanian (1.7%)
Religions: Christianity (91%), Islam (1%)
Literacy Rate: 98.59% (2020 estimate)

Capital and Major Cities

Capital City: Madrid
Largest Cities:
- Madrid: 3.166 million people
- Barcelona: 1.609 million people
- Valencia: 790201 people
- Seville: 690566 people
- Zaragoza: 666058 people

Economic Properties

GDP: $1.427 trillion/yr (2021 estimate, World Rank: 14th)
GDP at Parity: $1.93 trillion/yr (2021 estimate, World Rank: 15th)
Real GDP: $1.239 trillion/yr (2021 estimate, World Rank: 14th)
GDP per Capita: $30104/yr/person (2021 estimate, World Rank: 49th)
GDP Real Growth: 5.52%/yr (2021 estimate, World Rank: 79th)
Gini Index: 0.343 (2019 estimate, World Rank: 55th)
Consumer Price Inflation: 3.09%/yr (2021 estimate, World Rank: 105th)


Unemployment Rate: 14.7% (2021 estimate, World Rank: 31st highest)
Long-term Unemployment Rate: 12.9% (2014 estimate, World Rank: 9th highest)
Labor Force: 23.38 million people (49.59% of population, 2021 estimate, World Rank: 28th)

Business Information

Total Business Tax Rate: 47% of profit (2019 estimate, World Rank: 52nd)
New Businesses Registered: 77541/yr (5.977% of total businesses, 2020 estimate, World Rank: 19th)

Media and Telecommunications

Internet Usage: 44.52 million people (93.9% of population, 2021 estimate, World Rank: 21st)
Mobile Cellular Subscriptions: 56.81 million (2021 estimate, World Rank: 28th)


Vehicles in Use: 24.6 million vehicles (771.1 vehicles per thousand people)
Total Road Length: 414010 miles (2003 estimate)


Public Education Spending: 4.59% of GDP (2020 estimate, World Rank: 94th)
Students: 7.971 million people (17.05% of population, 2011 estimate, World Rank: 34th)
Teachers: 545561 people (2020 estimate, World Rank: 24th)

Health Care

Health Spending: $2675.00 USD/person/yr (2007 estimate)
Physicians per Capita: 4.03/1000 people (2018 estimate)
Hospital Beds: 3.4/1000 people (2005 estimate)

UN Human Development Index

Health: 0.966 (World Rank: 6th)
Education: 0.818 (World Rank: 32nd)
Living Standards: 0.875 (World Rank: 32nd)
Total: 0.884 (World Rank: 27th, 2015 estimate)
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