
Geographic Properties

Total Area: 16.9 million mi²

Highest Feature: Mount Everest
Highest Elevation: 29030 feet
Highest Point Coordinates: 27.99°N, 86.93°E
Lowest Feature: Dead Sea
Lowest Elevation: -1410 feet
Lowest Point Coordinates: 31.5°N, 35.48°E


Population: 4.69 billion people (60% of world population, 2021 estimate)
Population Density: 277 people/mi² (2021 estimate)

Cultural Properties

- Chinese: 27% (including Mandarin Chinese: 19%)
- Hindi: 7.8%
- Arabic: 5.1%
- Bengali: 5%
- Russian: 2.6%
- Lahnda: 2.6%
- Japanese: 2.4%
- Marathi: 1.9%
- Telugu: 1.9%

- Islam: Predominant in countries such as Afghanistan (98%), Azerbaijan (87%), and Bangladesh (87%)
- Christianity: Significant presence in countries like Armenia (83%) and Bahrain (9.5%)
- Hinduism: Notable in nations including Bangladesh (11%) and Bhutan (17%)
- Buddhism: Major religion in Bhutan (77%) and Cambodia (86%)
- Chinese Universism: Found in China (29%) and Christmas Island (26%)

Capital Cities

- Afghanistan, Kabul
- Armenia, Yerevan
- Azerbaijan, Baku
- Bahrain, Manama
- Bangladesh, Dhaka
- Bhutan, Thimphu
- Brunei, Bandar Seri Begawan
- Cambodia, Phnom Penh
- China, Beijing
- Cyprus, Nicosia
- Georgia, Tbilisi
- India, New Delhi
- Indonesia, Jakarta
- Iran, Tehran
- Iraq, Baghdad
- Israel, Jerusalem
- Japan, Tokyo
- Jordan, Amman
- Kazakhstan, Astana
- Kuwait, Kuwait City
- Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek
- Laos, Vientiane
- Lebanon, Beirut
- Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
- Maldives, Male
- Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar
- Myanmar, Naypyidaw
- Nepal, Kathmandu
- North Korea, Pyongyang
- Oman, Muscat
- Pakistan, Islamabad
- Palestine, Jerusalem (East)
- Philippines, Manila
- Qatar, Doha
- Russia, Moscow
- Saudi Arabia, Riyadh
- Singapore, Singapore
- South Korea, Seoul
- Sri Lanka, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte
- Syria, Damascus
- Taiwan, Taipei
- Tajikistan, Dushanbe
- Thailand, Bangkok
- Timor-Leste, Dili
- Turkey, Ankara
- Turkmenistan, Ashgabat
- United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi
- Uzbekistan, Tashkent
- Vietnam, Hanoi
- Yemen, Sana'a

Economic Properties

Gross Domestic Product - GDP
- Total: $39.13 trillion/yr (2021 estimate)
- Median: $88.19 billion/yr (2021 estimate)
- Highest: $17.73 trillion/yr (China, 2021 estimate, World Rank: 2nd)
- Lowest: $768 million/yr (Gaza Strip, 2021 estimate, World Rank: 214th)

GDP at Parity
- Total: $74.79 trillion/yr (2021 estimate)

Real GDP
- Total: $34.97 trillion/yr (2021 estimate)

GDP per Capita
- Median: $4566/yr/person (2021 estimate)
- Highest: $72794/yr/person (Singapore, 2021 estimate, World Rank: 10th)
- Lowest: $368.8/yr/person (Afghanistan, 2021 estimate, World Rank: 234th)

GDP Real Growth
- Mean: +3.904%/yr (2021 estimate)

Gini Index
- Median: 0.343 (2021 estimate)
- Highest: 0.434 (Hong Kong, 2021 estimate, World Rank: 125th)
- Lowest: 0.252 (Armenia, 2021 estimate, World Rank: 4th)

Consumer Price Inflation
- Mean: +8.8%/yr (2021 estimate)
- Median: +3.42%/yr (2021 estimate)

UN Human Development Index

- United Nations (Global): 0.728
- Asia: 0.738 (2015 estimate)
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World: Population Distribution, by age and region
World: Population Distribution, by age and region
World population distribution by age and region describes how the global populace is spread across various geographical areas and demographic categories.
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